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News and Updates from the Sohail Lab



  • Roberto Olvera Hernández joins the lab as a PhD student in Biomedical Sciences and Danna Ocampo Luna and Luis Ramírez Serrano join the lab as masters students in Biological Sciences. Welcome!

  • Karen Hernández joins the lab as a PhD student in Biomedical Sciences and Ruben Muñoz joins the lab as a masters student in Biological Sciences. Welcome!

  • Maria Jose Palma (PhD student in the lab) won the Graduate Student Excellence award at SMBE 2024. Yuridia Posadas won the Young Investigator award, and Zara Martinez won the Undergraduate Mentorship award. Congrats!

  • Mashaal gave invited seminars at University of Michigan, U Chicago and Harvard University (Keynote speaker at Spragg Symposium) in Spring 2024! 

  • Mashaal gave a talk at the ENAH in the seminar series "Antropología Biológica: Nuevos Paradigmas en la disciplina" of the Observatorio Coyuntural Antropológico! 

  • Congrats to post-doc Dr. Miriam Bravo for winning the L'Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science fellowship!

  • The Mexican Biobank flagship paper is now published in Nature and featured on the cover with a beautiful design showcasing indigenous Wixárika artwork! Congrats to the whole team! 

  • Brenda Lopez joins the lab for undergraduate research, and Ariadna graduates completing her undergraduate thesis. Congrats!

  • Dr. Yuri Posada joins the lab as a posdoctoral fellow. Welcome!

  • Mashaal gave a talk at the El Colegio Nacional in Mexico City on the human pangenome. It was an honor and a lot of fun to speak to the public about the latest developments in genomics!

  • Our collaborative project with Dr. Vagheesh Narasimhan, Eucharist Kun and others on the genetic architecture and evolution of the human skeletal form is out in Science, congrats to the whole team! 

  • As part of the Safra Center for Ethics Working group, we published three articles analyzing the uses of ancestry in human genetics research, and providing an ethical framework for research using genetic ancestry in 2022 and 2023. 

  • Mashaal was invited to speak at ESHG in Glasgow, BIRS conference in Oaxaca and Gordon Research Conference in Boston, all enriching experiences!

  • Mashaal is part of the organizing committee for Mexpopgen6 in October, to be held at CCG and SMBE 2024 to be held in Puerto Vallarta in July 2024. Stay tuned!

  • Mashaal was invited as a keynote speaker to ICHG2023 in Cape Town to speak about the Mexican Biobank. Some pictures here.

  • Dr. Miriam Bravo joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow working with aDNA. Welcome! 

  • Mashaal was invited to give the departmental seminar at Columbia University (E3B), University of California Berkeley (CTEG), LIIGH UNAM, ICF UNAM and ENAH (Seminario Antropología Biológica: Nuevos paradigmas en la disciplina) in 2023. Great to share science and interact with colleagues at each! 

  • Dr. Amara Shaukat joins as the lab's first post-doctoral fellow on an UNAM DGAPA fellowship. Welcome! 

  • Maria Jose Palma, PhD student in the lab, did a great job presenting her poster on "Challenging continental groupings in humans using a data-driven approach" at ASHG 2022. Congrats! Some pictures here

  • Mashaal was invited to speak at the ASHG 2022 annual meeting in LA on the Mexican Biobank! 

  • Mashaal was invited to speak at the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine's public workshop on Use of Race, Ethnicity, and Ancestry as Population Descriptors in Genomics Research. See talks here.

  • Jose Rodelmar, Zara Martinez and Luis Ramirez join the lab for undergraduate research, and Iqui Balam joins the lab to do his undergraduate thesis. Welcome! 

  • Yuri Posadas and Claudia Quiroz join the project team for the Conacyt 'Challenging continental groupings of humans in the 1000 Genomes Project.' Welcome! 

  • Mashaal gave an oral presentation at the American Association of Biological Anthropology's 2022 meeting

  • We are thrilled to be awarded a Conacyt grant in the Paradigms and Controversies in Science call for our project 'Challenging continental groupings of humans in the 1000 Genomes Project'

  • Maria Jose Palma joins the lab as a PhD student in the UNAM Biomedical Sciences program. Welcome! 

  • Ariadna Romero joins the lab to do her undergraduate thesis. Welcome!

  • Natália Yumi joins the lab as a PhD student from University of Sao Paulo University. Welcome! 

  • Mashaal’s abstract for the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2021 meeting has been selected for a featured plenary oral presentation!

  • Mashaal was invited to speak at the academic sessions at the National Institute for Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN) and at USC departmental seminar. See INMEGEN video here:

  • Mashaal has been invited to become part of the board of reviewing editors of eLife

  • Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) 2024 meeting has been awarded to the Mexico Local Organizing Committee (of which Mashaal is part) and will be taking place in Puerto Vallarta!

  • Mashaal was invited to give an institutional seminar at UGA-Langebio, Cinvestav

  • Mashaal’s abstract for the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) 2021 meeting has been selected for an oral presentation

  • The Sohail Lab has opened for business!

  • Mashaal was invited to give a talk at Mexpopgen5. See video here:                              


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